SCIN Leadership
The concept of a forum for nurses specializing in the area of spinal cord impairment was developed by early leaders in 1983.
The “American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses” was founded by:
- Florence Baker
- Elaine Lloyd
- Jane Egan
- Yvette Poli
- Marilyn Wullshcleger
- Susan Brady
The growth and development of the organization occurred via strong leadership support of the founders, presidents, board members and committee members.
Susan Brady, RN 1983-1985
Florence Baker, RN 1985-1986
Marcia Hanak MA, RN 1986-1987
Ellen Hooker Ed, RN 1987-1988
Linda Love RN, MS 1988-1989
Judi Kuric PhD, MS, RN, APRN, CRRN, CN-RN 1989-1990
Sylvia McDonald MS, RN 1990-1991
Audrey Nelson PhD, RN 1991-1992
Mary Lee Lynch MSN, RN, CS 1992-1993
Terrie Shroeder-Jaeger MBA, RN 1993-1994
Cynthia Zejdlik, RN 1994-1995
Patricia Young, BSN, RN, CRRN 1995-1996
Susan Thomason, MN, RN, CS, CETN 1996-1997
Anaise Teurerkauf, Med, RN, CRRN, CCM 1997-1998
Jan Sheldon, MS, RNC, CRRN 1998-1999
Laureen Doloresco, MN, RN, CNAA 1999-2000
Deanna Persaud, MSN, RN 2000-2001
Peggy Guin, PhD, RN, ARNP 2001-2002
Cathleen King, MHA, RN, CRRN 2002-2003
Billie Massie, BSN, RNC 2003-2004
Carol Mills, MHA, BSN, CRRN 2004-2005
Karen Klemmie, BSN, RN, CRRN, CNLCLP 2005-2006
Cathy Parsa, BSN, CRRN 2006-2007
Diane Reinhard, MBA, MSCIS, BSN, RN, CCRN, NE-BC 2007-2008
Mary Ann Reilly, BSN, MS, CRRN 2008-2009
Laura Johnson, MS, MSN 2009-2010
Linda Marler, BSN, CRRN 2010-2011
Lisa Beck, MS, RN, CNS, CRRN 2011-2013
Linda Madaris, DNP, ARNP-BC, CRRN, NEA-BC 2013-2015
Robin Bischoff, BSN, CRRN 2015-2019
Joan McMahon, MSA, BSN, CRRN 2019-Current
SCIN Board of Directors
President: Becky Thayer, MSN, RN, CRRN
President-Elect: Laurel Short
Past-President: Joan McMahon, MSA, BSN, CRRN
Secretary/Treasurer: Nancy Lokey, RN
Board Members: Matthew Sorenson PHD, APN, ANPC, FAAN, Terree L Funesti, Nancy Lokey, Susan Newman, Sharon Honore Sellier, Janet Dean, Linda Ehrlich-Jones