2023 Poster Submissions & Competition
2023 Poster Competition:
Posters will be judged by the ASCIP Research Committee onsite in San Diego.
Winners will be announced at the Conference.
Poster Preparation and Submission:
All posters must be produced to fit in a live area of 89" wide by 41" high. You will need to submit your poster as a PDF file (created in PowerPoint one single slide using the provided template). We will have your poster printed, shipped and displayed at the conference for you. You will be able to take your poster home with you at the end of the conference.
**Please allow appropriate time for reviewing and proofing your poster, typical errors include incorrectly labeled images or incorrectly placed captions.
The poster submission deadline is July 25, 2023. Late posters will not be accepted.
- Poster Format: You may select between the following two different poster formats:
- Traditional poster: Standard conference poster. Poster Template
- Better Poster format: Recommended format due to ease of conveying main take-aways of presentation Poster Template The #betterposter layout incorporates empirically derived principles from the field of User Experience (UX) Design to better communicate scientific findings. This layout maximizes the amount of information provided to attendees while minimizing interaction cost. The key is ensuring that your poster is visually appealing and eye-catching, identifies evidenced based critical takeaways, and translates findings in a creative meaningful way.
- Create your PowerPoint electronic poster using one of the templates. Use the white box in the center of the template, leaving the blue borders displayed.
- When creating your PowerPoint electronic poster, the preferred font is Verdana at a 16-point font size minimum. Other acceptable font styles are: Tahoma, Helvetica, or Trebuchet MS. See more tips below.
- When finished, save/export the file as a PDF and download it to Dropbox. Dropbox Link
- Brevity and clarity are the essence of a good poster. Consider including a QR code with a link to your supplementary data, your published paper, or a more detailed version of your poster. Here is an example of a QR Code generator.
- Relevant images can be added to illustrate where appropriate. Please ensure that any graphics used are high-definition images. It is important to ensure correct placement of images relative to associated text, in order to enable smooth reading of the poster.
- In all cases, patient anonymity must be protected in accordance with the HIPPA Privacy Laws.
- Posters must be non-promotional in nature. Presenters should use scientific or generic names in referring to products. Should it be necessary to use a trade name, the appropriate format is generic (trade). All product names must be in consistent format.
Shannon Cook at scook@lutinemanagement.com